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School Site Council

School Site Council (SSC)

Mesa View's School Site Council is a group consisting of staff members and parents working together as a council to plan objectives that support our academic program. It serves as the body that monitors the school’s LCAP (Local Control Funding Plan) goals, reviews and approves the budget, and evaluates the programs. Interested parents may contact the school or may attend any School Site Council Meetings. All meetings are held at 2:45pm and will be held virtually for the 23-24 school year. All meetings are open to the public. Each agenda for the meetings are linked to the dates 72 hours prior to the meeting. Please click on the date to see the agenda for the meeting. 


SSC meetings for 2023-24 school year are scheduled for 2:45pm on:

Thursday, October 5th at 2:45pm

Thursday, November 2nd at 2:45pm

Thursday, January 11th at 2:45pm

Thursday, March 7th at 2:45pm

Thursday, May 2nd at 2:45pm

**dates are subject to change