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Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

In order to continue to keep all students safe, please read the procedures listed below to help maintain a safe school environment during start and dismissal times.

Heritage Lake Drive North Entrance (K-2 Dismissal Area @ the back of the school)

  • The arrival/dismissal drive-thru lane located on the north side of the school is now a loading and unloading of passengers only. The curb has been painted yellow and will be enforced.
    • Please do not leave your car unattended at this drive-thru location.
    • Please do not park along the yellow curb and walk your child to the entrance gate. We strongly recommend that you use the parking lot or park along the street in a low traffic area.
    • Please pull forward as much as possible before allowing students to enter or exit your vehicle.
    • If you must get out of your vehicle to assist your student, please park in a parking spot. This includes students in a car seat. 

Pick up Map for Grades Kinder - 2nd


Potential Hazards & Traffic Delays

  • When dropping off or picking up students anywhere on campus, please have them enter/exit the car on the passenger side only.
    • Entering or exiting the driver’s side of the car puts the individual at risk of getting struck by a passing vehicle.
  • Please do not park or leave your car unattended in the middle of the street.
  • Please do not drive against opposing traffic.
  • Please do not park at the red curb. 

We appreciate your support and willingness to keep all kids safe.

DO NOT park and exit your car in the loading and unloading lane along the curb. Find a parking space, if necessary.

DO NOT signal a child through moving traffic to get to the car. Students are to be picked up at the curb, or are to use the crosswalk to get across parking lot traffic. 

REMINDER: If your child is walking home (3rd - 5th grades ONLY), this includes walking to the park and waiting to be picked up at a later time, the school must have the digital Google form on file stating that this is the requested method. If this form does not list a student as a walker, then that student must be released to the adult listed. Please request the digital form from your student's teacher if pick-up procedures change for your child.

Grade 3-5 Pick Up Map

Please visit our front office for the pick-up lane Car Placards. These are color coded by grade level and should be displayed in the passenger side window as you drive through the pick-up lane in the afternoon. These car placards help us expedite the pick-up process in the car line. Please write your student's name and teacher name in BOLD Black marker so it is easily legible for our staff. Please do not put these on your dashboard as staff cannot read them, but rather in the passenger side window so it is viewable safely as you drive by. 

Thank you for keeping all students safe at Mesa View!