Instructional Programs
Mesa View Elementary ELA Academic Focuses
Reading Skills for Students
- Understanding Texts: Read carefully to understand what the text explicitly states and make logical inferences. Use specific evidence from the text to support your conclusions.
- Identifying Main Ideas: Find the central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development. Summarize the key details and ideas that support these themes.
- Analyzing Development: Examine how individuals, events, and ideas evolve and interact throughout the text.
Text Structure and Craft
- Interpreting Language: Understand the meaning of words and phrases in context, including technical, connotative, and figurative meanings. Analyze how word choices affect meaning and tone.
- Analyzing Structure: Study how the structure of sentences, paragraphs, and larger sections of the text relate to each other and the overall work.
- Point of View and Purpose: Evaluate how the author's perspective or purpose influences the content and style of the text.
Integrating Knowledge and Ideas
- Evaluating Diverse Media: Combine and assess information presented in various formats, such as visual, quantitative, and written content.
- Assessing Arguments: Evaluate the arguments and specific claims in a text, checking the reasoning and the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.
- Comparing Texts: Analyze how different texts address similar themes or topics to build knowledge or compare the authors' approaches.
Reading Range and Complexity
- Reading Comprehension: Independently read and understand complex literary and informational texts proficiently.
COMMON CORE ELA/ Writing AT Mesa View
Writing Skills for Students
Text Types and Purposes
- Argumentative Writing: Write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence.
- Informative Writing: Write informative texts to clearly and accurately explain complex ideas and information through effective organization and analysis.
- Narrative Writing: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events with effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured sequences.
Production and Distribution of Writing
- Clear Writing: Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
- Writing Process: Improve writing by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
- Using Technology: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and collaborate on writing.
Research Skills
- Research Projects: Conduct research projects, both short and long, based on focused questions to demonstrate understanding of the topic.
- Source Evaluation: Gather information from various sources, assess their credibility, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.
- Using Evidence: Use evidence from literary and informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Range of Writing
- Writing Practice: Write regularly over extended time frames for research, reflection, and revision, and shorter time frames for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences.